Hodgdon H50BMG Smokeless Gun Powder


Hodgdon H50BMG Smokeless Gun Powder is a high-performance powder formulated specifically for the demands of large-caliber, high-pressure cartridges like the .50 BMG. With its very slow burn rate, clean burn, and consistent lot-to-lot performance, H50BMG ensures that shooters can get the most out of their heavy-caliber ammunition. Whether you’re reloading for military applications, long-range sniper shooting, or large-caliber hunting, H50BMG delivers the velocity, accuracy, and energy needed for success. Always follow load data specific to your firearm and cartridge type to ensure safe and optimal results.

Hodgdon H50BMG Smokeless Gun Powder
Hodgdon H50BMG Smokeless Gun Powder
SKU: 034-50BMG8 Category: Tag:
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