45 Auto – Fiocchi 230 Grain FMJ 500rd Case

Question and Answer

What is the best.?

the best. is Learn to train with.

How does the best. Learn?

Learn to train with the best.

What is Fiocchi’s?

Fiocchi’s is Shooting Dynamics ammunition delivers superior quality and reliability for the high volume shooter or hunter..

How does Fiocchi’s delivers?

Fiocchi’s Shooting Dynamics ammunition delivers superior quality and reliability for the high volume shooter or hunter.

What is similar specifications?

similar specifications is Loaded to as their Exacta line, this 45 ACP Auto ammo is flawless for teaching and practicing..

How does similar specifications Loaded?

Loaded to similar specifications as their Exacta line, this 45 ACP Auto ammo is flawless for teaching and practicing.

What is Box,?

Box, is 50 Rounds Per 500 rounds per case Muzzle Velocity – 860 fps Tags: 45 acp 45 auto 45 cal bulk ammo fiocchi full metal jacket.

How does Box, Rounds?

50 Rounds Per Box, 500 rounds per case Muzzle Velocity – 860 fps Tags: 45 acp 45 auto 45 cal bulk ammo fiocchi full metal jacket

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